9/14 - Regis Invitational - VCP
Cody Doskocil paces the varsity team with a 14:01 clocking. The varsity squad takes 4th in their race and 9th of 40 teams overall while facing many of the top squads in NYC & NY/NJ. Jason Sarnciola runs 14:09, which is #5 SO AT. The boys 5 man avg was 15:04 last year at this meet and was 14:24 today! Guiliana Collegio runs a very impressive 16:46 for 6th in her race. It represents a PR of 1:44 secs and is the 13th fastest of 300+ girls that ran the course today! 9/7 - SIHST&FA Season Opener - Ocean Breeze
The Varsity boys kick off XC '24 with a monster effort at Ocean Breeze. The top 4 runners are separated by 8 seconds as pack running leads to the team turning many heads. Four teams are separated by a mere 2 pts as the team finishes in 2nd place. The Frosh boys take 3rd in their race led by Michael Sclafani's 4th place finish. Violet Illuzzi wins the frosh girls race and the top 4 girls place in the Top 6 in the race. Despite some confusion as the course markings fell down the girls dominate to win the frosh girls race. |